• What is a Dakini?

    A dakini is the physical manifestation of the “Skydancer”–a spiritual being who guides and directs men and women in their spiritual progression and enlightenment.

    As such, the physical manifestation of the dakini on this realm is a woman who feels called to guide others to the depths of themselves and their experience and energy.

    This is the modern-day dakini.

    The dakini has no shame about her sexuality and her beauty. She is open and alive and dances in the energy of each moment. As such, she sometimes acts as a spiritually-directed courtesan.

    Practically, a dakini very often works with sexuality and its life-giving energy.

    She does this because:

    1. Sexuality is a powerful energy. It creates life. It can also change lives.
    2. Sexuality is tabu in our society. The shadow around it concentrates even more energy there.
    3. If sexual blocks such as shame and guilt are not dealt with, they will hinder a flow of energy which can contribute to spiritual growth. A dakini helps to clear these.
    4. Sexuality is one of the only ways that the emotionally/spiritually ‘dead’ can be reached.

    Because of the gigantic blocks which society has placed around sexuality, a dakini’s work is double-edged.

    • She is often stigmatized and labeled
    • She is also harassed (and in times past, burned at the stake, stoned…you get the drift)

    So it is that woman in the most valuable service, often has little or no support from her family, her friends, and society.

    This must change.

    DakiniPath is a platform for the dakini to connect to her true strength, to gain support, and to find how she can open herself to even deeper service, happiness, and fulfillment in her calling.

    Welcome to the world of the Dakini.

    Wikipedia: “A Daka or “Sacred Intimate” is a man (“Dakini” = woman) who serves as a counselor/therapist/healer/guide with the capacity to remain objectively present and grounded while purposefully and therapeutically employing erotic energy to evaluate, counsel and address a client’s deeply personal issues regarding sexuality, intimacy and relationship—fostering healing and integration thereof.”