Trance and Sexual Healing
Ok. This is going to be a little long. Bear with me.
When I first began working with sexuality in Europe, I worked “on the table”. I did intimate touch work in the spirit of what Margo Anand founded and John Hawken continued.
And that work is powerful. Amazing. I helped both men and women with the usual sexual issues and helped them find powerful pleasure.
But then I came to the US. When I did, genital touch was a no-no. As in “jail time”.
I thought, “Is there another way?”
I began to experiment with trance and hypnosis work.
A couple things happened:
- I often had identical results with trance that I had previously had with table work.
- I was able to work with people remotely with virtually the same effectiveness.
- I could even create recordings and videos that would have similar effects for the clients over time.
And my back had it easier, too! I was blown away. I didn’t need to touch anyone. And people were just as happy.
How powerful is that?
I’m not saying that touch work isn’t important…perhaps even essential for some people for total healing. I’m saying that you can work almost as effectively (sometimes more effectively) without touching people.
The world is your clientele. Also, you avoid a lot of the sticky ethical and legal conundrums that have plagued tantra and sacred sexuality over the past few decades.
I am now presenting training both for professionals and laypeople about the basics of trance, induction, and pleasure.
If you don’t understand trance, your power as a healer working with sexuality is significantly reduced. Altered states can magnify the power of your work many times with very little effort. And you don’t even need any ‘unusual’ substances to make it happen.
I have been doing this for three years and it is ready.
This has the possibility of starting you on a path that turbocharges your whole method of working with clients.
Contact me if this interests you.